The International French Chinese Management Centre

  The main objectives of the School of Economics and Management of the Nantes Université are Teaching and Research in Management. It is a member of the network including 37 Schools of Management in France which have traditional qualities of academic training and qualities of business schools. The initial and continuous trainings it proposes are mainly post graduate ones (Master's Degree) : the Master in Business Administration and also Diplomas giving an expertise in Management (Master Management Control, Master Management of Innovation, Master Accounting-Control-Audit, Master Marketing of Health Products and Services).

In order to continue its international development (Vietnam, Bulgaria), the School of Economics and Management of the Nantes Université, created in 1995 the International French Chinese Management Centre in order to promote training for French and Chinese students.

The development of the activities of the French firms is increasing in the Chinese world (China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore). We need more and more to train managers capable of working in a Chinese environment. The International French Chinese Management Centre is an integral part of the School of Economics and Management. It trains French and Asian managers specialized in management, negotiation, in all the fields of international economic relations with China. Each year, 50 French students and about 60 Asian students are concerned.

Video presentation (FR)


Director of The International French Chinese Management Centre

Head of the Master's degree in Business Administration
Hélène JOURNE (Year 2)
Gaëlle BRAYER (Year 1)

Administrative Officers of CMIFC
Laurence COSSON  / Yao DUBOUIL
  • Contacts:
Tel. +33 (0)2 76 64 13 15 / 13 35
  • Address:
Centre de Management International Franco-Asiatique
IAE Nantes - Économie & Management, Nantes Université
Chemin de la Censive du Tertre - BP62232
44322 Nantes Cedex 3 - France
Mis à jour le 19 octobre 2023.